Here, we've included key words and phrases from
each of our scribe's articles. Just scan the list for
the one you'd like to read and then click on the
BLUE article number. That'll take you directly
to the related PDF article. The "S" in "tcS"
identifies TC's "SHORTS" for really
fast comprehension. The "L" in
"tcL" denotes TC's full-length
articles, for enhanced

70 x 7 —tcS0014
Abandoning the Visible Church —tcS0044
Adam's Missing Rib —tcS0024
Agnosticism —tcL0026
Agree or Disagree —tcS0026
Air & Clouds —tcS0027
Alone? —tcL0035
Always "Jesus?" —tcS0036
Animals, preach to them? —tcS0038
Answered Prayers Journal —tcL0043
Apostles Died, How —tcL0014
Approved by God, how to be —tcS0042
Army of the Lord! —tcS0029
Backslider (TC) —tcL0026
Bad Things Happen —tcL0006
Believe Whom? —tcS0028
Bible, Fairytales? —tcL0032
Bible Milk v. Bible Meat —tcS0044
Bible Reading Cover-to-Cover —tcS0042
Bible Study, Small Groups —tcS0008
Calling? Yours? —tcL0011
Children's Party Game —tcL0010
Christian Citizenship—tcL0046 & tcS0025
Church Fathers —tcL0002
Church History —tcL0002
Church History —tcL0003
Citizenship, good —tcL0046 & tcS0025
Civics for Christians
Coaching Believers —tcL0041
Compromise? —tcS0034
Compromise & "Get Along!" —tcS0043
Confessional Booth Scandals —tcS0022
Constantine's Role —tcL0007
Contaminated Teaching —tcL0042
Contradictions —tcS0003
Converting Believers 2 Disciples —tcL0041
Corinthian Pentecost —tcS0041
Corrupted Gospel Message —tcL0042
Council of Nicea —tcL0007
Counseling Scandals —tcS0022
Cover-to-Cover Bible Reading —tcS0042
Dagon, Fish God—tcS0032
Day Star—tcL0050
Derivative Works —tcS0006
Discipleship Coaching —tcL0041
DIVERSITY —Civics0001
DONE, what we've —tcS0023
Doubting Thomas, You? —tcL0029
"Ears to Hear"—tcL0046
Effectual Fervent Prayer —tcS0001
Einstein...an Atheist??? —Civics0002
End-Time Parables of Jesus —tcS0007
Evangelism —tcL0042, tcS0045 & tcL0046
Every Creature? —tcS0038
EVOLVED Gospel Message —tcL0042
Expert Phenomenon, The —tcS0021
Extra-Biblical Revelation —tcS0005
Fairytales, the Bible? —tcL0032
Faith EquitySM —tcL0024
False Prophets, I.D. —tcL0031
Feeling Welcome —tcS0016
Female Pastors? —tcL0028
Firstfruits < Our Prototype —tcS0040
Fish God, Dagon —tcS0032
Focus of Evangelism —tcL0042
Folk Evangelism —tcS0045
Practical Evangelism —tcL0042
Praise God! —tcL0022
Preach for a Living? —tcL0015
Preach to Animals? —tcS0038
Forsaken, Why? —tcS0033
Gaining God's Approval, How —tcS0042
Getting Saved —tcS0009
"Get Along!, Let's" —tcS0043
Getting Saved History —tcL0025
Getting'em Saved! —tcS0035
Globalism via Religion —tcS0043
Golden Handcuffs —Civics0002
Good Citizen?—tcS0025
Gotta Be Me! —tcL0001a
"Grandiosity" —Civics0003
Hahvuhd, Dahling! —tcL0030
Handcuffs (The Golden) —Civics0002
Hate & Violence —Civics0004
Heaven on Earth —tcS0018
History, Getting Saved —tcL0025
Holy Spirit Role —tcS0015
How The Apostles Died —tcL0014
Human Nature is Sin Nature! —tcL0033
"I Love Milk!" —tcS0044
In Name Only —tcS0010
In the name of Jesus! —tcL0034
Info v. Knowledge —tcS0037
Intoxicants —tcL0009
"Jesus" Always? —tcS0036
Join Forces & "Get Along!" —tcS0043
"Judge Not..." —tcL0040
KJV History —tcL0003
Knowledge v. Info —tcS0037
Let's Just "Get Along!" —tcS0043
Lie Awake at Night? —tcL0008
Lifestyles —tcL0027
Like Jesus, to be —tcS0017
Like Jesus, to be —tcL0013
Like Streams of Water —tcL0033
Listening —tcL0016
Matthew 25 —tcS0007
Milk Love —tcS0044
Ministry —tcS0012
Ministry FOCUS —tcL0042
Missing! ...from God's Armour —tcL0041
Moslems, Why? —tcS0019
Must We Agree? —tcS0011
Napoleon re: Jesus—tcL0012
Need to Feel Welcome —tcS0016
New Jerusalem, The —tcL0017
New Testament? What's New? —tcL0023
Nicea, Council of —tcL0007
Party Game, Children's —tcL0010
Passionate v Passive Faith —tcL0041
Peddle the Gospel? —tcL0015
Pentecost —tcS0015
Peer Pressure (professional) —Civics0002
Pentecost, Corinthian —tcS0041
Personal Evangelism—tcL0046
Plurality— Is God Both Singular & Plural?
Politics...the Christian Perspective
Politics-Religion-Spin —tcS0031
Power Steering —tcS0015
Practice! —tcL0041

Practical Personal Evangelism—tcL0004
Prophesies Already Fulfilled —tcS0020
Prototype > "Firstfruits" —tcS0040
Prove it! —tcL0037
Reading Cover-to-Cover —tcS0042
Reading v. Studying —tcS0042
"Reflections of an Observer" —Civics0001
Religion-Politics-Spin —tcS0031
Religious Globalism —tcS0043
Repent? Who does That? —tcS0030
Rescue the Perishing! —tcL0042
Reverence Titles —tcL0004
Rites of Passage —tcL0043
Rocks! —tcL0043
Scandals, Counseling —tcS0022
Scriptural Milk v. Meat —tcS0044
Sealed Eternally? —tcL0036
Sensible Evangelism—tcL0046
Seventy times Seven —tcS0014
Shoes of PRACTICE —tcL0041
Sin Nature is Human Nature! —tcL0033
Small Group Bible Study —tcS0008
Social Gospel, The —tcS0002
Something's Fishy —tcS0032
Spiritual Gifts —tcL0018
Spirituality, Secular —tcS0004
Sports Fans Are Zealots —tcL0020
Stacks of Rocks —tcL0043
Stranger in Our House —tcL0038
Streams of Water —tcL0033
Stress Relief —tcL0044
Studying v. Reading —tcS0042
Sugar-Coated Gospels —tcL0042
"Taken," one shall be —tcS0039
Teaching v. Learning —tcL0019
The Ministry —tcS0012
The New Jerusalem —tcL0017
Titles of Reverence —tcL0004
To Be Like Jesus —tcL0013
Trinity— Is God Both Singular & Plural?
Upon Which Rock?—tcL0047
Voting...a Civil Responsibility
Welcome, need to feel —tcS0016
"Well Done, My Servant." —tcS0047
What We've DONE —tcS0023
Whom to Believe? —tcS0028
Works, to be Judged by —tcL0039
What's Your Calling? —tcL0011
Where Are The Dead? —tcS0046
Where Did Jesus Go? —tcS0046
Why Forsaken? —tcS0033
Why Marry? —tcL0021
Why Many Leaving "Church" —tcS0044
Withheld Listening —tcL0016
"Witnessing" to the Unsaved —tcS0045
Women in "The Ministry" —tcL0028
Works? What of Them? —tcL0039
Worship The Word? —tcS0013
Xtra-Biblical Revelation —tcS0005
When Others ASK—tcL0046
Which Rock?—tcL0047
Zealots —tcL0020